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2024 Gansu Sichuan Pepper Harvest Survey Report

Overview of Gansu Sichuan Pepper

In August 2024, the Rushi team conducted an in-depth survey of Gansu’s Sichuan pepper harvesting base, covering aspects from cultivation and initial processing to storage, evaluating the food safety standards of Gansu Sichuan pepper raw materials.

Gansu Sichuan pepper, also known as "Gansu Da Hong Pao" pepper, is a shrub belonging to the Rutaceae family. It is primarily produced in areas such as Wudu and Tianshui in Gansu Province, with Wudu located in the Yangtze River Basin and Tianshui in the Yellow River Basin. Morphologically, Gansu Sichuan pepper is similar to the well-known Maowen pepper, with gray or brown-gray branches and red or reddish-brown fruit skins. The oil cells on the pepper are prominent and dense, and the pepper itself is large, fragrant, and rich in flavor with a high oil yield.

Gansu Sichuan Pepper

Cultivation Details

  • Main Producing Areas: Wudu, Gangu, Qin’an, Maiji.

  • Altitude: 1,000–1,800 meters.

  • River Basins: Bailong River and Weihe River.

  • Topography: Mountainous regions with loess gullies and terraces.

  • Soil: Loessal soil with low organic content, good water permeability, and suitability for pepper cultivation.

Propagation Methods:

  • Seeds from fully matured peppers are collected and sown.

  • After germination, the seedlings are grafted with superior scions.

Planting Density:

  • In mountainous terrain, the distance between plants is generally 2-3 meters, and the row spacing is 3-4 meters.


  • Fertilization typically occurs 1-2 times per year, mostly during the spring and autumn seasons, using a mix of organic and compound fertilizers.

Pest Control:

  • Farmers predominantly use chemical methods for pest control, complemented by environmentally friendly methods such as insecticidal lamps and yellow boards.

Harvesting Period:

  • The harvest season is from mid-July to late August. Peppers are manually harvested under dry conditions without rain or dew.

Processing of Gansu Sichuan Pepper

  1. Air Drying: After harvesting, the peppers are spread out in a cool, ventilated area overnight, or placed in a drying box for 2-3 hours to remove surface moisture.

  2. Drying Methods: The peppers are dried using small-scale air energy dryers, with each batch ranging from 150-250 kg and a drying time of approximately 24-30 hours.

  3. Sun Drying: After an overnight air dry, the peppers are spread on clean tarpaulins for sun drying during the day.

Food Safety Evaluation

Based on guidelines provided by the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center, the following risks were identified:

  1. Traceability Risk: While some pepper production can be traced back to specific farms, peppers from numerous small-scale farmers can be difficult to trace.

  2. Pesticide Residue Risk: Low-toxicity pesticides are used, though the frequency and timing are not always standardized, potentially leading to pesticide residue exceeding limits.

  3. Initial Processing Risk: Using non-clean energy sources for drying can introduce contaminants into the peppers.

  4. Storage Risk: Storing peppers in non-airtight woven bags may result in contamination and loss of essential oils.

Comprehensive Evaluation

Gansu Sichuan pepper, mostly produced by small-scale farmers, presents challenges in quality control but is generally considered relatively safe. The 2023-2024 production season saw favorable weather conditions for pepper growth, resulting in an estimated 30% increase in output. However, prolonged rain during the harvest season affected the quality, leading to some discoloration and lower overall quality.

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