How to Make Authentic Sichuan Pepper Oil

Crafting a genuine Sichuan pepper oil, rich in aroma and free of bitterness, is truly an art form. The choice of using primarily rapeseed oil aids in enhancing the fragrant aroma and distinct numbing sensation of the peppercorns. Managing the oil temperature is key in the cooking process, with an ideal temperature around 150 degrees Celsius.

Ingredients: Jinyang green Sichuan peppercorns and Sichuan pepper powder, Hanyuan red Sichuan peppercorns and Sichuan pepper powder, rapeseed oil

Hanyuan Red Sichuan Peppercorns

Hanyuan Red Sichuan Peppercorns

Jingyang Green Sichuan Peppercorns

Jingyang Green Sichuan Peppercorns

The typical ratio of pepper to oil in pepper oil making is 1:10, but feel free to modify it to your liking. You have two methods at your disposal for the process.

Method one: Begin by heating the rapeseed oil to 200 degrees Celsius, then switch off the heat and wait for the oil to cool to 150 degrees Celsius. This step helps to evaporate any unpleasant smell in the rapeseed oil. Once the oil reaches 150 degrees Celsius, pour it over the prepared green and red peppercorns. The green to red peppercorn ratio should be 1:3. We recommend using Jinyang green peppercorns and Hanyuan red peppercorns. After a waiting period of 24 hours, filter out the peppercorns. The resulting pepper oil is ideal for seasoning warm dishes.

Sichuan Peppercorns Oil

Sichuan Peppercorns Oil

Method two: When the oil temperature has cooled to 120 degrees Celsius, pour it over the separately fried pepper powder, which should be cooked in a pan for 5-8 minutes. This variety of pepper oil does not require filtering. Once made, allow the pepper oil to cool, seal it, and store it in a cool place such as a refrigerator. This pepper oil, which can be stored for up to a year, is particularly fitting for cold dishes.

Sichuan Pepper Powder Oil

Throughout the pepper oil creation process, keeping in mind these key steps is vital: Select the right rapeseed oil, control the oil temperature accurately, prepare the right quantity of peppercorns and pepper powder, create different pepper oils based on culinary needs, and choose the right storage method. Remember, the secret of crafting pepper oil lies in controlling the ratio and choosing the optimal method based on the differing oil temperatures and peppercorn shapes.


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